Category Archives: News

2019 – Off with a bang!

Hi everyone,

Happy new year! It’s been a busy start already, and this year I am hoping to speak to you more often and share with you some of my adventures out and about in Clown land!

Until then,


Mr T.Ricks

childrens entertainer bridgend

Easter Egg Hunt @ Porthcawl

Hi everyone,

Yesterday, for those who came to the Easter Egg Hunt in Porthcawl you would have seen me and the Punch & Judy booth near the Museum. For the duration of the event I was offering free glitter tattoos for those on the hunt for the special eggs, and it was very busy indeed.

During this time my good friend Idris the Dragon was in the booth generally causing mayhem by barking at dogs, and talking to anyone who would listen! He made up for his trouble making by offering out free chocolate eggs to those who were still looking for the special ones hidden around the town.


Idris was also chosen this year by the Easter Bunny to hand out a star prize to one very lucky child. We tried to get a photo of the Easter Bunny, but Idris still managed to Photobomb it! – he’s such a pesky little dragon!

easter bunny

We had a great time down in Porthcawl and will hopefully be back down there later in the season.

Bye for now!

Mr. T. Ricks.

The Broken Wand Ceremony for Viv Davies (Mysteeny)

Hi everyone,

You may have noticed me on BBC1 last night in full slap and motley. However, I was not out performing, but instead paying my last respects to a good friend and fellow magician – Viv Davies a.k.a. Mysteeny.
Viv DaviesViv’s funeral was being filmed by the BBC for the programme “A very Welsh Undertaking” and, at the request of his widow, all Magicians and entertainers attending were asked to arrive in bright colours, or their performing attire.

Mr T Ricks service

As a Magician the service also included a section known as the Broken Wand Ceremony. This tribute, led by our joint friend and fellow conjurer David Holmes (Sebastian), featured the wand belonging to Viv being ceremoniously broken, to symbolize the end of Viv’s performance, and that his true magic may continue in the hearts and minds of those who knew him.

David Sebastian

Only a small portion featured in the programme and the full service can be read here for those who are interested. It is a fascinating read, and one which I have always found to be very powerful.

The service concluded with all Magicians in attendance providing our final farewell to a fellow conjurer: a guard of honour with Magic wands held high.

Viv Davies guard of honour

If you would like to see the full programme, it is currently on the BBC iplayer and can be viewed for the next few days here.

Goodbye Viv  – Rest In Piece.
Mr.T.RIcks & Friends.

Hi everyone,

Just to let you all know that I appear to be experiencing problems with my landline telephone number and some people are having trouble getting through. Obviously with lots of parties, events and fetes coming up in the next few weeks this is not ideal!

While we solve this problem, in the meantime you can reach me on my mobile number which is:

07976 482273

Hope this helps, and look forward to hearing from you.

Bye for now.

Mr. T. Ricks.

Springtime in Caerphilly

Caerphilly Garden T.Ricks

Hello Everyone,

What a fantastic two days I had at the Caerphilly Garden Centre spring festival event.

Lots of people came to visit the garden centre, and while the adults were checking out all of the special offers, I was entertaining the young ones. Children had the choice of a balloon animal, face painting, glitter tattoo or all three! We were also lucky to have my good friends at Red Dragon Magic performing a range of tricks which proved very popular with both the old and young.

In-between all the fun there were supplier representatives on hand giving great advice on the new spring range of plants and shrubs, and also plenty of staff, with their wealth of knowledge, helping anyone who needed it.

Caerphilly Garden Centre

I also had a visit from my new best friend, Lola, who came to say hello, and got a glitter tattoo and balloon.  You can read all about this lovely little girl here.

The onsite restaurant at the centre is fantastic – providing lovely hot food and drinks, and was very busy around lunch time (on both days) so obviously I am not the only one who loves their food!

While exploring: I got bitten by a venus fly trap, rode a donkey, made some new friends, and had a big kiss on my big red nose from a lovely young lad by the name of Luke. (Kept an eye out for Darth Vader – thankfully he did not turn up). You can see some of my adventures below.

Children's Entertainer Caerphilly  Caerphilly Garden Centre  Caerphilly Garden Centre

All in all it was a very enjoyable few days and can’t wait to go back. I will of course post when I am back at Caerphilly Garden Centre, and hope to see you all there.

Bye for now!

Mr. T. Ricks.

A Party Thank You

Hello everyone,

Recently I blogged about the Fear of Clowns which gained a lot of interest both here, on my blog, and my fan page.  This fear was brought to my attention yet again on the weekend, while I was attending a birthday party which included fairly young children.

At one point I noticed a little girl sat on her grandmother’s knee, who seemed interested in my appearance, but looked incredibly shy. Using my quietest voice I asked if she would like a balloon model, and she said yes. A picture was taken (which you can see below,) and at this point I sensed that she might be afraid as well as shy. After this I was careful to make her feel at ease, and over the course of the party her confidence around me grew.

Mr. T. Ricks

The following day I received a lovely email from the grandmother who has kindly let me reproduce it below:

“Would just like to say thanks from me and my daughter so much for making my granddaughter comfortable today at Ollie’s party, she is no longer afraid of clowns and has watched your ice bucket challenge over and over before bed tonight. She asked me to thank you for her balloon dog and sword, my daughter and I will also be recommending you to friends. Thanks again. x”

This of course has made my day that a little girl can now grow up enjoying clowns, and not fearing them. Her grandmother has also mentioned that if her confidence continues they would like to have me back for her party, and I cannot wait.

Bye for now.

Mr. T. Ricks

Why I charge what I do.

Mr T Ricks Childrens Entertainer Bridgend Hello everyone, While out and about in my clown car the other day, I spotted a notice in a shop that I would like to share with you all as I am occasionally asked why there are other children entertainers that charge more or less….

“It is unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much you lose a little money; that is all. When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the things it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot. It cannot be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough for something better. There is hardly anything in the world that some person cannot make a little worse and sell for a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this person’s lawful prey.” John Ruskin 1819 -1900

So let me tell you why I charge what I do…….. I am a professional children’s entertainer. That means this is my business and my main source of income. This is not a second job, and I don’t just work weekends. I work 7 days a week 365 days a year. (Yes, I have worked many a Christmas Day) For me clowning is a serious business. When I am not performing I am either practicing routines, working on jokes, or keeping up with the latest trends. In the past I have even asked for footage of my performance, filmed at a birthday party by a family member, so I can evaluate the show from a spectator’s viewpoint. …and then there are the props! I am constantly buying new props to replace those that get worn through age, or wear and tear (and for those who have seen my act some of these get deliberately whacked about. :-p) This helps keep the act looking professional and presentable. Cheaper I am now in my 23rd year of being a professional children’s entertainer, and I’ve had many imitators, but I have always seen these inferior performers come and go when things get tough. So the next time you want to build childhood memories for your child, or make everyone laugh and smile at a once in a lifetime event, ask yourself: why do some so called ‘children’s entertainers’ need to charge so little to secure their bookings? I am Mr. T.Ricks – professional clown, magician and children’s entertainer. My prices are competitive for the quality service I provide, and although I may not be the cheapest… I would rather be the best. 🙂 Bye for now… Mr. T. Ricks.

Fear of Clowns – It’s no laughing matter!

Hi boys and girls,

In my last post you might have noticed that I mentioned the word Coulrophobia. For those of you who don’t know Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns! This is a very real phobia and can easily be present in adults even more so than children. Those of you that follow me on my fan page will know that I have even spoken on BBC Radio Wales on the subject, which was a little tricky for Steffan Garrero who just so happened to have this phobia.

Naturally, I am saddened to hear that people have this phobia, and do whatever I can to try and put people at ease – especially if they happen to be at my show!  This just so happened to be the case when I attended the 1st Abercarn Beavers Christmas party in December.

A lovely lady by the name of Kelly (who is a helper at the group) has been Coulrophobic since a child and had no rational explanation for her fear. This phobia was so great that she wasn’t even going to stay at the party, but was persuaded to help at the back of the hall where she could hide in the kitchen if she wanted to! Fortunately this was quietly mentioned to me at the start of the show and I was able to perform my routine down the other end of the hall, while Kelly watched surrounded by all the other leaders.

Having performed for the Beavers before, the other leaders knew how approachable I am and convinced Kelly to come a little closer at the end of the show where I could have a chat with her. I took this opportunity to make her one of my special balloon bouquets and she was thrilled to bits that she could come close enough to collect it. Kelly was absolutely fantastic and even asked if she could have her photograph taken with me to show her mum as proof of her accomplishment. Her actual words were “my mum is going to be so proud of me!”

and so she should be! – Well done Kelly!

Mr. T. Ricks

If I am attending one of your events and you think someone at the party has a fear of clowns then please let me know in advance and I will do my very best to put them at ease during my time there.

Alternatively you can now book my children’s show, without the clown element, and you’ll still get Mr.T.Ricks the colourful magician turning up to entertain your guests. Just get in touch via any of the methods on the contact page for more information.

Bye for now!

Mr. T.Ricks.


New shows for 2015

Hi boys and girls.

You may have read on my Facebook Fan page that I would be creating new packages for 2015 suitable for all budgets and events. These include everything from magic, clowning, balloon modelling, face painting, glitter tattoos. I’ve even put together a package for people who might be Coulrophobic so you can book with confidence! 🙂

These are just some of the total packages available, but if you would like to know about all of the packages, or require more information about the ones below please feel free to get in touch for a chat.

Mr T Ricks Shows

Bye for now!


A very busy Christmas!

Hello boys and girls – I hope you are all ready for Christmas!

I was hoping to write this blog post days ago but Mr T Ricks has been very busy entertaining children throughout South Wales at parties and events all through December and has barely stopped!

I was delighted to be asked back to entertain the Beaver Pack of 1st Abercarn Scout group who booked me last Christmas and enjoyed my performance so much that they asked me back again this year! Once again, we had a great party and the quote below is from the Scouts Facebook page which was emailed to me along with the pictures:

“1st Abercarn beavers xmas party with mr.T.ricks. Fab time had by all, don’t know who had more fun the kids or the leaders!!!”

t ricks christmas  childrens party clown christmas party bridgend childrens entertainer bridgend

As well as performing in Abercarn I have also been running around South Wales performing magic and balloon modelling including  Frankie & Benny’s which have recently opened their new restaurant in Llantrisant, and since the beginning of December I have had the pleasure of working at the Brecon Mountain Railway alongside a very special person (which I managed to sneak a quick picture of!!!!):

childrens entertainer santa

I have more to tell you, and an exciting story that happened at one of my shows, but as I am out tomorrow performing for a Christmas Eve party I will save that for another day.

Bye for now.

Mr. T. Ricks